Another splashy flick from Sushi Typhoon directed by Yoshihiro Nishimura (TOKYO GORE POLICE, VAMPIRE GIRL VS FRANKENSTEIN GIRL, ROBOGEISHA, MUTANT GIRLS SQUAD) and starring Eihi Shiina (AUDTION). This time, we have a world overrun by “infected” humans and a mission to go into the land that had been abdicated to them in order to kill the primary zombie. If you’ve ever seen one of Nishimura’s movies, you’ll already know what you’re in for here. If not, imagine a GWAR show as seen through the eyes of early Sam Raimi or FX legend Screaming Mad George and you won’t be too far off. The action is fast and furious… and pretty silly, but it is also damn amusing and fun. The acting (if that’s what you want to call it) is mostly made up of angst-filled screeds of exposition mixed with long, uninterrupted shots of people screaming. The whole thing plays like one of those tentacle manga as imagined by an eleven year old. In-jokes: abound with references to everything from BLADE RUNNER to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to KILL BILL, but the proceedings never tarry long enough for the viewer to get bored by them. The film pretty much is fueled by its own kinetic energy and boy does this director like to see blood spray into the air. Yes, it ridiculous and, well… kind of stupid, but the film is fun, wildly imaginative, and gory as hell. Recommended, but you might want to leave your intellect at the door.
3 out of 5 stars
Thom Carnell
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